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Project Closing Meeting

As Tarsus TSO MTAL, our meeting with broad participation was held on 07.10.2024 in our school conference hall for the closing of our Erasmus project numbered 2022-2-TR01-KA210-VET-000098216. Tarsus TSO President Ruhi Koçak, representing Kıvanç Solar, one of the largest producers of solar energy in our region, Cansu Ak - Human Resources Specialist Nihan Soyergin - Corporate Communications Officer Zeynep Kaliç - Education Unit Chinese Interpreter, again from the sector representatives, Tamaksan Transformer Board Chairman Mehmet Tepretmez, Mcc Engineering owner Mehmet Erdoğan, other sector representatives, institution managers, educators and our school students attended the meeting. Project manager Mesut Akkoyun, Consultants Ekrem Malı Erkin Özmutlu and Mert Çekmen, school principal Abdurrahim Gümüş led all stages of the project and presented them to the guests. School principal Abdurrahim Gümüş stated that the project will benefit our region's people and especially the new The contributions of our graduates to the employment of our youth were evaluated… School principal Abdurrahim Gümüş announced that the educational materials and products (modules, educational videos, interactive educational products) needed in the sector were introduced and offered to the service of educators and students.. and it was stated that we will continue to work breathlessly on behalf of vocational education with new projects according to the needs of the sector in the coming days. He concluded his words by thanking all our stakeholders who did not withhold their support during this process.. Tso project team stated that they will continue on their way with brand new works as the Tso MTAL family, which is devoted to vocational education, with the saying; Every ending is a new beginning, to make new beginnings on behalf of our school and our youth. Tso President Ruhi Koçak, who was among the participants of the closing program, admired the work done and thanked the entire team and said that they will definitely develop the vocational high school issue, which is one of the most important issues of our country, by keeping it together with the sector as the chamber of industry and by producing exemplary solutions in our region.

He shared with the students and teachers that very serious studies have been carried out on this subject and concluded his speech with his wishes for success. Other sector representatives also stated that they are ready to do their part… The program was concluded with conversations with teachers and students. With the pleasure and benefits it receives from EU projects and the work carried out with the sector, TSO MTAL is determined to become the vocational training base of the region.

Dissemination Seminar for Sector Representatives

We held our project dissemination meeting with the participation of Tarsus University, Çukurova Development Agency, Mersin İŞKUR, KOSGEB Mersin Directorate, Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Career Office, Tarsus Municipality, Tarsus Chamber of Commerce and Industry and many strong companies in the sector.

News About Our Project in the Press

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